The idea of daylight saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin and first implemented in the US in 1900. The implementation of DST is simple, which is one hour in advance month2 summer, which in this month2 day time longer than night time. DST performed at the time of the early morning (2 am), while others were on sleep ... DST will end up with as much as 1 hour rewind time at the end of summer.
According to Wikipedia, the Daylight Saving Time (DST) or Summer Time is a system intended to keep the light of day in the summer. Usually the official time in the area moved forward one hour earlier than the official time zone and enforced during the spring and summer. It is intended to adjust the clock when the daylight hours of work and school activities. DST is usually used where the temperature is moderate, due to large differences between day and night throughout the season in the area. The idea of summer time was first attempted by the German government during World War I on April 30 and October 1, 1916.
Daylight Saving Time (DST in the US) or Summer Time (in Europe), imposed because of the change in time due to reduced daylight hours when entering the winter and if in summer, when daylight is much longer than the night. To adapt to changing weather tersebuat, the experts agree perwaktuan clock change twice a year ie when entering the summer and when entering the winter. By the summer (when the spring arrives), on the last Sunday in March, clocks accelerated 1 hour. Conversely when entering the winter season, on the last Sunday in October, clocks slowed 1 hour.
The purpose of DST? DST is done primarily to conserve the use of electricity. see the following example:
Suppose that at the time of the morning. Tell them that you used to get up at 6 am and at that time the sky was still dark. With advanced 1 hour (DST), then by getting up at the same time, you will see that the sky becomes brighter. So you will turn off the electricity that is not needed during the first hours of the day. Actually does is similar to the one hour earth hour it loh. But influence DST performed at the time of the sleep, so as not to feel like the earth hour. The point is still, trying to reduce energy consumption in the summer season, due to the winter season, the use of electricity will increase.
1 hour what influence? a lot! just think if one country turn off power for 1 hour, then the amount of energy can save millions of dollars. several case studies show that energy savings do occur with this DST.
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