Low sodium: Jacob Roy, an employee at desalination startup Oasys Water, takes measurements at a new development facility in Boston.
Credit: Robert McGinnis
Credit: Robert McGinnis
ENERGOasys Water says it will test complete, large-scale systems using forward osmosis early next year.Oasys Water, a company that has been developing a novel, inexpensive desalination technology, showed off a new development facility in Boston this week. The company, which has been demonstrating commercial-scale components of its system in recent months, plans to begin testing a complete system early next year and to start selling the systems by the end of 2011.
Currently, desalination is done mainly in one of two ways: water is either heated until it evaporates (called a thermal process) or forced through a membrane that allows water molecules but not salt ions to pass (known as reverse osmosis). Oasys's method uses a combination of ordinary (or forward) osmosis and heat to turn sea water into drinking water.
On one side of a membrane is sea water; on the other is a solution containing high concentrations of carbon dioxide and ammonia. Water naturally moves toward this more concentrated "draw" solution, and the membrane blocks salt and other impurities as it does so. The resulting mixture is then heated, causing the carbon dioxide and ammonia to evaporate. Fresh water is left behind, and the ammonia and carbon dioxide are captured and reused.
Oasys says the technology could make desalination economically attractive not only in arid regions where there are no alternatives to desalination, but also in places where fresh water must be transported long distances. In California, for example, a massive aqueduct system now transports water from north to south.
"The cost will be low enough to make aqueduct and dam projects look expensive in comparison," says Oasys cofounder and chief technology officer Robert McGinnis, who invented the company's core technology. The process could also require substantially less power than other desalination options. "The fuel consumption and carbon emissions will be lower than those of almost any other water source besides a local lake or aquifer," he says.
The key to making the process work was developing a draw solution with easy-to-remove solutes, something that was done at a lab at Yale University. "Others have tried to develop other solutes for desalination," McGinnis says, "but they haven't been successful so far."
The next-biggest technical challenge has been developing the membrane. The membranes used in reverse osmosis are unsuitable for this process because they work best at high pressures. Forward osmosis doesn't use high pressures, so water moves through these membranes too slowly for the system to be practical. McGinnis and colleagues reëngineered the membranes, reducing the thickness of the supporting material and increasing its porosity without changing a very thin layer that blocks salts. These changes enabled water to pass through 25 times faster, McGinnis says.
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